Artificial Intelligence for Medical Image Analysis


Browse a list of our key peer-reviewed papers, broken down into journal papers, full-length conference papers and PhD theses from the group.

Journal papers


L. Humbert-Vidan, V. Patel, A. P. King, T. Guerrero-Urbano, "Comparison of Deep-learning Multimodality Data Fusion Strategies in Mandibular Osteoradionecrosis NTCP Modelling Using Clinical Variables and Radiation Dose Distribution Volumes", Physics in Medicine and Biology, 2024. (paper)

P. T. Huy Nhat, N. V. Hao, L. M. Yen, N. H. Anh, D. P. Khiem, H. Kerdegari, L. T. Phuong, V. T. Hoang, N. T. Ngoc, L. N. M. Thu, T. N. Trung, L. Pisani, VITAL Consortium, R. Razavi, S. Yacoub, N. V. V. Chau, A. P. King, L. Thwaites, L. Denehy, A. Gomez, "Clinical Evaluation of AI-assisted Muscle Ultrasound for Monitoring Muscle Wasting in ICU Patients", Scientific Reports, 2024. (paper)


M. Ruthven, A. M. Peplinski, D. M. Adams, A. P. King, M. E. Miquel, "Real-time Speech MRI Datasets With Corresponding Articulator Ground-truth Segmentations", Scientific Data, 2023. (paper)

I. Machado,  E. Puyol-Antón, K. Hammernik, G. Cruz, D. Ugurlu, I. Olakorede, I. Oksuz, B. Ruijsink, M. Castelo-Branco, A. Young, C. Prieto, J. Schnabel, A. P. King, "A Deep Learning-based Integrated Framework for Quality-aware Undersampled Cine Cardiac MRI Reconstruction and Analysis", IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 2023. (paper)

J. Mariscal-Harana, C. Asher, V. Vergani, M. Rizvi, L. Keehn, R. J. Kim, R. M. Judd, S. E. Petersen, R. Razavi, A. P. King, B. Ruijsink, E. Puyol-Antón, "An AI Tool for Automated Analysis of Large-scale Unstructured Clinical Cine CMR Databases", European Heart Journal Digital Health, 2023. (paper)

P. T. H. Nhat, N. V. Hao, P. V. Tho, H. Kerdegari, L. Pisani, L. N. M. Thu, L. T. Phuong, H. T. H. Duong, D. B. Thuy, A. McBride, M. Xochicale, M. J. Schultz, R. Razavi, A. P. King, L. Thwaites, N. V. V. Chau, S. Yacoub, VITAL Consortium, A. Gomez, "Clinical Benefit of AI-assisted Lung Ultrasound in a Resource-limited Intensive Care Unit", Critical Care, 2023. (paper)

T. Dawood, C. Chen, B. S. Sidhu, B. Ruijsink, J. Gould, B. Porter, M. K. Elliot, V. Mehta, C. A. Rinaldi, E. Puyol-Antón, R. Razavi, A. P. King, "Uncertainty Aware Training to Improve Deep Learning Model Calibration for Classification of Cardiac MR Images", Medical Image Analysis, 80, 2023. (paper)

M. Ruthven, M. E. Miquel, A. P. King, "A Segmentation-informed Deep Learning Framework to Register Dynamic Two-dimensional Magnetic Resonance Images of the Vocal Tract During Speech", Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 80(1):104290, 2023. (paper)


N. Byrne, J. R. Clough, I. Valverde, G. Montana, A. P. King, "A Persistent Homology-based Topological Loss for CNN-based Multi-class Segmentation of CMR", IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 2022. (paper)

E. Puyol-Antón, B. S. Sidhu, J. Gould, B. Porter, M. K. Elliott, V. Mehta, C. A. Rinaldi, A. P.King, "A Multimodal Deep Learning Model for Cardiac Resynchronisation Therapy Response Prediction", Medical Image Analysis, 79:102465, 2022. (open access paper)

Z. Yuan, E. Puyol-Antón, H. Jogeesvaran, N. Smith, B. Inusa, A. P. King, "Deep Learning-based Quality-controlled Spleen Assessment From Ultrasound Images", Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 76:103724, 2022. (paper)

E. Puyol-Antón, B. Ruijsink, J. Mariscal-Harana, S. K. Piechnik, S. Neubauer, S. E. Petersen, R. Razavi, P. Chowienczyk, A. P. King, "Fairness in Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Assessing Sex and Racial Bias in Deep Learning-Based Segmentation", Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine, 9, 2022. (open access paper)

J. Clough, N. Byrne, I. Oksuz, V. A. Zimmer, J. A. Schnabel, A. P. King, "A Topological Loss Function for Deep-Learning based Image Segmentation using Persistent Homology", IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 44(12):8766-8778, 2022. (open access paper)


​V. Vergani, R. Razavi, E. Puyol-Antón, B. Ruijsink, "Deep Learning for Classification and Selection of Cine CMR Images to Achieve Fully Automated Quality-Controlled CMR Analysis From Scanner to Report", Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine, 2021. (paper)

C. J. Arthurs, A. P. King, "Active Training of Physics-informed Neural Networks to Aggregate and Interpolate Parametric Solutions to the Navier-Stokes Equations", Journal of Computational Physics, 438:110364, 2021. (open access paper)

L. Humbert-Vidan, V. Patel, I. Oksuz, A. P. King, T. Guerrero-Urbano, "Comparison of Machine Learning Methods for Prediction of Osteoradionecrosis Incidence in Patients With Head and Neck Cancer", British Journal of Radiology, 94(1120), 2021. (paper)


M. Ruthven, M. E. Miquel, A. P. King, "Deep-learning-based Segmentation of the Vocal Tract and Articulators in Real-time Magnetic Resonance Images of Speech", Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 198:105814, 2020. (open access paper)

E. Puyol-Antón, B. Ruijsink, C. F. Baumgartner, P.-G. Masci, M. Sinclair, E. Konukoglu, R. Razavi, A. P. King, "Automated Quantification of Myocardial Tissue Characteristics From Native T1 Mapping Using Neural Networks With Uncertainty-based Quality-control", Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance, 22:60, 2020. (open access paper)

I. Oksuz, J. Clough, B. Ruijsink, E. Puyol-Antón, A. Bustin, G. Cruz, C. Prieto, A. P. King, J. A. Schnabel, "Deep Learning Based Detection and Correction of Cardiac MR Motion Artefacts During Reconstruction for High-Quality Segmentation", IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 39(12):4001-4010, 2020. (paper)

J. Clough, D. R. Balfour, G. Lima Da Cruz, P. Marsden, C. Prieto, A. Reader, A. P. King, "Weighted Manifold Alignment using Wave Kernel Signatures for Aligning Medical image Datasets", IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 42(4):988-997, 2020. (paper)

B. Ruijsink, E. Puyol-Antón, I. Oksuz, M. Sinclair, W. Bai, J. A. Schnabel, R. Razavi, A. P. King, "Fully Automated, Quality-Controlled Cardiac Analysis From CMR: Validation and Large-Scale Application to Characterize Cardiac Function", JACC: Cardiovascular Imaging, 13(3):684-695, 2020. (open access paper)


I. Oksuz, B. Ruijsink, E. Puyol-Antón, J. R. Clough, G. Cruz, A. Bustin, C. Prieto, R. Botnar, D. Rueckert, J. A. Schnabel, A. P. King, "Automatic CNN-based Detection of Cardiac MR Motion Artefacts Using k-space Data Augmentation and Curriculum Learning", Medical Image Analysis, 55:136-147, 2019. (open access paper)

E. Puyol-Antón, B. Ruijsink, B. Gerber, M. S. Amzulescu, H. Langet, M. De Craene, J. A. Schnabel, P. Piro, A. P. King, "Regional Multi-view Learning for Cardiac Motion Analysis: Application to Identification of Dilated Cardiomyopathy Patients", IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 66(4):956-966, 2019. (paper)


M. Sinclair, D. Peressutti, E. Puyol-Antón, W. Bai, S. Rivolo, J. Webb, S. Claridge, T. Jackson, D. Nordsletten, M. Hadjicharalambous, E. Kerfoot, C. A. Rinaldi, D. Rueckert, A. P. King, "Myocardial Strain Computed at Multiple Spatial Scales from Tagged Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Estimating Cardiac Biomarkers for CRT Patients", Medical Image Analysis 43:169-185, 2018. (open access paper)


E. Puyol-Antón, M. Sinclair, B. Gerber, M. S. Amzulescu, H. Langet, M. De Craene, P. Aljabar, P. Piro, A. P. King, "A Multimodal Spatiotemporal Cardiac Motion Atlas from MR and Ultrasound Data", Medical Image Analysis 40:96-110, 2017. (open access paper)

X. Chen, M. Usman, C. F. Baumgartner, D. R. Balfour, P. K. Marsden, A. J. Reader, C. Prieto, A. P. King, "High-Resolution Self-Gated Dynamic Abdominal MRI Using Manifold Alignment", IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 36:960-971, 2017. (open access paper)

D. Peressutti, M. Sinclair, W. Bai, T. Jackson, J. Ruijsink, D. Nordsletten, L. Asner, M. Hadjicharalambous, C. A. Rinaldi, D. Rueckert, A. P. King, "A Framework for Combining a Motion Atlas with Non-Motion Information to Learn Clinically Useful Biomarkers: Application to Cardiac Resynchronisation Therapy Response Prediction", Medical Image Analysis 35:669-684, 2017. (open access paper)

C. F. Baumgartner, C. Kolbitsch, J. R. McClelland, D. Rueckert, A. P. King, "Autoadaptive Motion Modelling for MR-Based Respiratory Motion Estimation", Medical Image Analysis 35:83-100, 2017. (open access paper)


D. Peressutti, A. Gomez, G. P. Penney, A. P. King, "Registration of Multi-view Echocardiography Sequences Using a Subspace Similarity Measure", IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 64:352-361, 2016. (open access paper)


​D. R. Balfour, P. K. Marsden, I. Polycarpou, C. Kolbitsch, A. P. King, "Respiratory Motion Correction of PET Using MR-constrained PET-PET Registration", Biomedical Engineering Online 14:85, 2015. (open access paper)


C. F. Baumgartner, C. Kolbitsch, D. R. Balfour, P. K. Marsden, J. R. McClelland, D. Rueckert, A. P. King, "High-Resolution Dynamic MR Imaging Of The Thorax For Respiratory Motion Correction Of PET Using Groupwise Manifold Alignment", Medical Image Analysis 18(7):939-952, 2014. (paper)

D. Peressutti, G. P. Penney, C. Kolbitsch, A. P. King, "Personalising Population-Based Respiratory Motion Models Of The Heart Using Neighbourhood Approximation Based On Learnt Anatomical Features", Medical Image Analysis 18(7):1015-1025, 2014. (paper)


D. Peressutti, G. P. Penney, R. J. Housden, C. Kolbitsch, A. Gomez, E.-J. Rijkhorst, D. C. Barratt, K. S. Rhode, A. P. King, "A Novel Bayesian Respiratory Motion Model to Estimate and Resolve Uncertainty in Image-Guided Cardiac Interventions", Medical Image Analysis 17(4):488-502, 2013. (paper)

J. R. McClelland, D. J. Hawkes, T. Schaeffter, A. P. King, "Respiratory Motion Models: A Review", Medical Image Analysis 17(1):19-42, 2013. (paper)

Conference papers


H. Kerdegari, T. H. N. Phung, V. H. Nguyen, T. P. T. Truong, N. M. T. Le, T. P. Le, T. M. T. Le, L. Pisani, L. Denehy, Vital Consortium, R. Razavi, L. Thwaites, S. Yacoub, A. P. King, A. Gomez, "Automatic Retrieval of Corresponding US Views in Longitudinal Examinations", Proceedings MICCAI, 2023. (paper)

M. Huti, T. Lee, E. Sawyer, A. P. King, "An Investigation Into Race Bias in Random Forest Models Based on Breast DCE-MRI Derived Radiomics Features", Proceedings MICCAI FAIMI, 2023. (paper)

C. I. Bercea, E. Puyol-Antón, B. Wiestler, D. Rueckert, J. A. Schnabel, A. P. King, "Bias in Unsupervised Anomaly Detection in Brain MRI", Proceedings MICCAI FAIMI, 2023. (paper)

T. Lee, E. Puyol-Antón, B. Ruijsink, K. Aitcheson, M. Shi, A. P. King, "An Investigation Into the Impact of Deep Learning Model Choice on Sex and Race Bias in Cardiac MR Segmentation", Proceedings MICCAI FAIMI, 2023. (paper)

T. Dawood, E. Chan, R. Razavi, A. P. King, E. Puyol-Antón, "Addressing Deep Learning Model Calibration Using Evidential Neural Networks and Uncertainty-Aware Training", Proceedings ISBI, 2023. (paper)

S. Ogbomo-Harmitt, J. Grzelak, A. Qureshi, A. P. King, O. Aslanidi, "TESSLA: Two-Stage Ensemble Scar Segmentation for the Left Atrium", Proceedings MICCAI STACOM Challenge on Left Atrial and Scar Quantification and Segmentation, 2023. (paper)


​G. Morilhat, N. Kifle, S. FinesilverSmith, B. Ruijsink, V. Vergani, Habtamu T. D., Zerubabel T. D., E. Puyol-Antón, A. Carass, A. P. King, "Deep Learning-based Segmentation of Pleural Effusion From Ultrasound Using Coordinate Convolutions", Proceedings MICCAI FAIR, 2022. (paper)

S. Ioannou, H. Chockler, A. Hammers, A. P. King, "A Study of Demographic Bias in CNN-based Brain MR Segmentation", Proceedings MICCAI MLCN, 2022. (paper)

L. Humbert-Vidan, V. Patel, R. Andlauer, A. P King, T. G. Urbano, "Prediction of Mandibular ORN Incidence From 3D Radiation Dose Distribution Maps Using Deep Learning", Proceedings MICCAI AMAI, 2022. (paper)

T. Lee, E. Puyol-Antón, B. Ruijsink, M. Shi, A. P. King, "A Systematic Study of Race and Sex Bias in CNN-based Cardiac MR Segmentation", Proceedings MICCAI STACOM, 2022. (paper)

E. Puyol-Antón, B. Ruijsink, B. S. Sidhu, J. Gould, B. Porter, M. K. Elliott, V. Mehta, H. Gu, C. A. Rinaldi, M. Cowie, P. Chowienczyk, R. Razavi, A. P. King, "AI-enabled Assessment of Cardiac Systolic and Diastolic Function from Echocardiography", Proceedings MICCAI ASMUS, 2022. (paper)

E. Chan, C. O'Hanlon, C. Asegurado Marquez, M. Petalcorin, J. Mariscal-Harana, H. Gu, R. J. Kim, R. M. Judd, P. Chowienczyk, J. A. Schnabel, R. Razavi, A. P. King, B. Ruijsink, E. Puyol-Antón, "Automated Quality Controlled Analysis of 2D Phase Contrast Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging", Proceedings MICCAI STACOM, 2022. (paper)


E. Puyol-Antón, B. Ruijsink, S. K. Piechnik, S. Neubauer, S. E. Petersen, R. Razavi, A. P. King, "Fairness in Cardiac MR Image Analysis: An Investigation of Bias Due to Data Imbalance in Deep Learning Based Segmentation", Proceedings MICCAI, 2021. (paper)

I. Machado, E. Puyol-Antón, K. Hammernik, G. Cruz, D. Ugurlu, B. Ruijsink, M. Castelo-Branco, A. Young, C. Prieto, J. A. Schnabel, A. P. King, "Quality-aware Cine Cardiac MRI Reconstruction and Analysis from Undersampled k-space Data", Proceedings MICCAI STACOM, 2021. (paper, presentation)

J. Mariscal-Harana, N. Kifle, R. Razavi, A. P. King, B. Ruijsink, E. Puyol-Antón, "Improved AI-based Segmentation of Apical and Basal Slices From Clinical Cine CMR", Proceedings MICCAI STACOM, 2021. (paper, presentation)

T. Dawood, C. Chen, R. Andlauer, B. S. Sidhu, B. Ruijsink, J. Gould, B. Porter, M. Elliott, V. Mehta, C. A. Rinaldi, E. Puyol-Antón, R. Razavi, A. P. King, "Uncertainty-Aware Training for Cardiac Resynchronisation Therapy Response Prediction", Proceedings MICCAI STACOM, 2021. (paper, presentation)

D. Ugurlu, E. Puyol-Antón, B. Ruijsink, A. Young, I. Machado, K. Hammernik, A. P. King, J. A. Schnabel, "The Impact of Domain Shift on Left and Right Ventricle Segmentation in Short Axis Cardiac MR Images", Proceedings MICCAI STACOM, 2021. (paper, presentation)

D. H. Wickremasinghe, N. Khenkina, P. G. Masci, A. P. King, E. Puyol-Antón, "Automatic Detection of Extra-Cardiac Findings in Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance", Proceedings MIUA, 2021. (paper)

J. Mariscal-Harana, V. Vergani, C. Asher, R. Razavi, A. P. King, B. Ruijsink, E. Puyol-Antón, "Large-scale, Multi-vendor, Multi-protocol, Quality-controlled Analysis of Clinical Cine CMR Using Artificial Intelligence", European Heart Journal - Cardiovascular Imaging, Volume 22, Issue Supplement_2, 2021. (abstract)


B. Ruijsink, E. Puyol-Antón, Y. Li, W. Bai, E. Kerfoot, R. Razavi, A. P. King, "Quality-aware Semi-supervised Learning for CMR Segmentation", Proceedings MICCAI STACOM, 2020. (paper, presentation)

N. Byrne, J. R. Clough, G. Montana, A. P. King, "A Persistent Homology-based Topological Loss Function for Multi-class CNN Segmentation of Cardiac MRI", Proceedings MICCAI STACOM, 2020. (paper, presentation)

Z. Yuan, E. Puyol-Antón, H. Jogeesvaran, C. Reid, B. Inusa, A. P. King, "Deep Learning for Automatic Spleen Length Measurement in Sickle Cell Disease Patients", Proceedings MICCAI ASMUS, 2020. (paper)

E. Puyol-Antón, C. Chen, J. R. Clough, B. Ruijsink, B. S. Sidhu, J. Gould, B. Porter, M. Elliot, V. Mehta, D. Rueckert, C. A. Rinaldi, A. P. King, "Interpretable Deep Models for Cardiac Resynchronisation Therapy Response Prediction", Proceedings MICCAI, 2020. (paper)


N. Byrne, J. R. Clough, I. Valverde, G. Montana, A. P. King, "Topology-preserving Augmentation for CNN-based Segmentation of Congenital Heart Defects from 3D Paediatric CMR", Proceedings MICCAI PIPPI, 2019. (paper)

E. Puyol-Antón, B. Ruijsink, J. R. Clough, I. Oksuz, D. Rueckert, R. Razavi, A. P. King, "Assessing the Impact of Blood Pressure on Cardiac Function Using Interpretable Biomarkers and Variational Autoencoders", Proceedings MICCAI STACOM, 2019. (paper)

S. Girardeau, I. Oksuz, G. Cruz, C. Pietro Vasquez, A. King, J. Clough, "Deep Learning for Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting", Proceedings MIDL, 2019. (OpenReview paper)

I. Oksuz, J. Clough, W. Bai, B. Ruijsink, E. Puyol Antón, G. Cruz, C. Prieto, A. P. King, J. A. Schnabel, "High-quality Segmentation of Low Quality Cardiac MR Images Using K-space Artefact Correction", Proceedings MIDL, 2019. (OpenReview paper)

J. R. Clough, I. Oksuz, E. Puyol-Antón, B. Ruijsink, A. P. King, J. A. Schnabel, "Global and Local Interpretability for Cardiac MRI Classification", Proceedings MICCAI, 2019. (paper)

l. Oksuz, J. Clough, B. Ruijsink, E. Puyol-Antón, A. Bustin, G. Cruz, C. Prieto, D. Rueckert, A. P. King, J. A. Schnabel, "Detection and Correction of Cardiac MR Motion Artefacts during Reconstruction from K-space", Proceedings MICCAI, 2019. (paper)

J. R. Clough, I. Oksuz, N. Byrne, J. A. Schnabel, A. P. King, "Explicit Topological Priors for Deep-Learning Based Image Segmentation Using Persistent Homology", Proceedings IPMI, 2019. (paper)


I. Oksuz, B. Ruijsink, E. Puyol-Antón, A. Bustin, G. Cruz, C. Prieto, D. Rueckert, J. A. Schnabel, A. P. King, "Deep Learning Using K-space Based Data Augmentation for Automated Cardiac MR Motion Artefact Detection", Proceedings MICCAI, pp250-258, 2018. (paper)

E. Puyol-Antón, B. Ruijsink, H. Langet, M. De Craene, P. Piro, J. A. Schnabel, A. P. King, "Learning Associations Between Clinical Information and Motion-based Descriptors Using a Large Scale MR-derived Cardiac Motion Atlas", Proceedings MICCAI STACOM, pp94-102, 2018. (paper)

I. Oksuz, J. Clough, A. Bustin, G. Cruz, C. Prieto, R. Botnar, D. Rueckert, J. A. Schnabel, A. P. King, "Cardiac MR Motion Artefact Correction from K-space Using Deep Learning-Based Reconstruction", Proceedings MICCAI MLMIR, pp21-29, 2018. (paper)

J. R. Clough, D. R. Balfour, C. Prieto, A. J. Reader, P. K. Marsden, A. P. King, "Evaluation of Strategies for PET Motion Correction - Manifold Learning vs. Deep Learning", Proceedings MICCAI DLF, pp61-69, 2018. (paper)

D. R. Balfour, J. R. Clough, X. Chen, M. Belzunce, C. Prieto, P. K. Marsden, A. J. Reader, A. P. King, "PET-MR Respiratory Signal Estimation Using Semi-Supervised Manifold Alignment", Proceedings ISBI, pp599-603, 2018. (paper)

J. R. Clough, D. R. Balfour, P. K. Marsden, C. Prieto, A. J. Reader, A. P. King, "MRI Slice Stacking Using Manifold Alignment and Wave Kernel Signatures", Proceedings ISBI, pp319-323, 2018. (paper)

E. Puyol-Antón, B. Ruijsink, W. Bai, H. Langet, M. De Craene, J. A. Schnabel, P. Piro, A. P. King, M. Sinclair, "Fully Automated Myocardial Strain Estimation from Cine MRI Using Convolutional Neural Networks", Proceedings ISBI, pp1139-1143, 2018. (paper)

I. Oksuz, B. Ruijsink, E. Puyol-Antón, M. Sinclair, D. Rueckert, J. A. Schnabel, A. P. King, "Automatic Left Ventricular Outflow Tract Classification for Accurate Cardiac MR Planning", Proceedings ISBI, pp462-465, 2018. (paper)


M. Sinclair, W. Bai, E. Puyol-Antón, O. Oktay, D. Rueckert, A. P. King, "Fully Automated Segmentation-Based Respiratory Motion Correction of Multiplanar Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Images for Large-Scale Datasets", Proceedings MICCAI, pp332-340, 2017. (paper)

X. Chen, D. R. Balfour, P. K. Marsden, A. J. Reader, C. Prieto, A. P. King, "Efficient Deformable Motion Correction for 3-D Abdominal MRI Using Manifold Regression", Proceedings MICCAI, pp270-278, 2017. (paper)

E. Puyol-Antón, M. Sinclair, B. Gerber, M. S. Amzulescu, H. Langet, M. De Craene, P. Aljabar, J. A. Schnabel, P. Piro, A. P. King, "Multiview Machine Learning Using an Atlas of Cardiac Cycle Motion", Proceedings MICCAI STACOM, pp3-11, 2017. (paper)


X. Chen, M. Usman, D. Balfour, P. Marsden, A. Reader, C. Prieto and A. P. King, "Dynamic Volume Reconstruction From Multi-Slice Abdominal MRI Using Manifold Alignment", Proceedings MICCAI, pp493-501, 2016. (paper)

M. Sinclair, D. Peressutti, E. Puyol-Antón, W. Bai, D. Nordsletten, M. Hadjicharalambous, E. Kerfoot, T. Jackson, S. Claridge, C. A. Rinaldi, D. Rueckert and A. P. King, "Learning Optimal Spatial Scales for Cardiac Strain Analysis Using a Motion Atlas", Proceedings MICCAI STACOM, 2016. (paper)

E. Puyol-Antón, D. Peressutti, P. Aljabar, M. De Craene, P. Piro and A. P. King, "Towards a Multimodal Cardiac Motion Atlas for Biomarker Extraction", Proceedings ISBI, 2016. (paper)


D. Peressutti, W. Bai, T. Jackson, M. Sohal, C. A. Rinaldi, D. Rueckert, and A. P. King, "Prospective Identification of CRT Super Responders Using a Motion Atlas and Random Projection Ensemble Learning", Proceedings MICCAI, 2015. (paper, presentation)

D. Peressutti, W. Bai, W. Shi, C. Tobon-Gomez, T. Jackson, M. Sohal, A. Rinaldi, D. Rueckert, and A. King, "Towards Left Ventricular Scar Localisation Using Local Motion Descriptors", Proceedings MICCAI STACOM, 2015. (paper)

W. C. Kim, A. P. King, D. Peressutti, "Respiratory Motion Modelling Using Supervised Principal Component Analysis", Proceedings MIUA, 2015. (proceedings)

C. F. Baumgartner, A. Gomez, L. M. Koch, J. R. Housden, C. Kolbitsch, J. R. McClelland, D. Rueckert, and A. P. King, "Self-Aligning Manifolds for Matching Disparate Medical Image Datasets", Proccedings IPMI, 2015. (paper)


C. F. Baumgartner, C. Kolbitsch, J. R. McClelland, D. Rueckert, A. P. King, "Autoadaptive Motion Modelling", Proceedings ISBI, pp457-460, 2014. (paper)


C. F. Baumgartner, J. R. McClelland, D. Rueckert, A. P. King, "Groupwise Simultaneous Manifold Alignment for High Resolution Dynamic MR Imaging of Respiratory Motion", Proceedings IPMI, pp232-243, 2013. (paper)

D. Peressutti, G. P. Penney, C. Kolbitsch, A. P. King, "Personalising Cross-Population Respiratory Motion Models Using Anatomical Features", Proceedings MIUA, 2013. (proceedings)

D. Peressutti, G. P. Penney, C. Kolbitsch, R. J. Housden, A. Gomez, K. S. Rhode, A. P. King, "A Framework for Automatic Model-Driven 2D Echocardiography Acquisition for Robust Respiratory Motion Estimation in Image-Guided Cardiac Interventions", Proceedings ISBI, pp29-32, 2013 (paper)


N. Phung, "Translation of Computer-Assisted Point-of-care Ultrasound Imaging Methods in a Resource Limited Intensive Care Unit", PhD thesis, King's College London, 2024. (thesis)

M. Ruthven, "Deep-Learning-Based Methods for Automatic Articulator and Levator Veli Palatini Segmentation and Motion Quantification in Magnetic Resonance Images of the Vocal Tract", PhD thesis, King's College London, 2023. (thesis)

L. Humbert-Vidan, "Use of Machine Learning Methods for the Prediction of Mandibular Osteoradionecrosis in Head and Neck Cancer Cases Treated with Radiotherapy", PhD thesis, King's College London, 2023. (thesis)

N. Byrne, "3D Image Segmentation for Modelling the Patient-specific Anatomy of Congenital Heart Disease", PhD thesis, King's College London, 2023. (thesis)

E. Puyol-Antón, "A Multimodal Spatiotemporal Atlas for Cardiac Functional Assessment", PhD thesis, King's College London, 2018. (thesis)

C. F. Baumgartner, "Manifold Alignment for Imaging and Modelling Respiratory Motion", PhD thesis, King's College London, 2016. (thesis)

D. Peressutti, "Motion Modelling for Respiratory Motion Estimation in Minimally Invasive Cardiac Interventions Using Intraprocedure Ultrasound Data", PhD thesis, King's College London, 2014. (thesis)

N.B. If you cannot access any of the papers listed here, many of them have postprints that are available open-access at the KCL home page of Dr Andrew King. Alternatively, please contact Dr King to request a copy.