Artificial Intelligence for Medical Image Analysis

Mubaraq Yakubu

Mubaraq Yakubu completed his undergraduate degree in Medical Radiography from the Nigerian University of Maiduguri in 2014. He then worked at Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital as a CT Radiographer which introduced him to some of the current challenges of pituitary imaging. This led him to obtain a master's degree in Clinical Anatomy from Bayero University Kano, Nigeria in 2019. In 2022, he was awarded a King's Africa International PhD Scholarship under the supervision of Prof Alexander Hammers, Prof Andrew King and Dr Jonathan Shapey. His PhD project aims to develop a machine learning-supported image analysis approach for Magnetic Resonance Imaging that would serve as an effective tool for detection, volumetry and prognostication of pituitary adenomas at standard field strengths and then translate the techniques to lower field strengths.
