Artificial Intelligence for Medical Image Analysis

Nick Byrne

Nick Byrne Byrne received his MPhys degree in Physics from the University of Warwick in 2011. Through 2014 he completed the Scientist Training Programme at King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, obtaining an MSc in Medical Physics at KCL and gaining registration as a clinical scientist in medical physics. He continued studying at KCL obtaining an MRes in clinical research in 2015. During and since this time, Nick has been employed by the Medical Physics department at Guy's and St. Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust. He helped develop the department’s 3D printing facility, establishing research projects in paediatric cardiology and living donor renal transplant. Between 2018-2022, he undertook an NIHR-sponsored doctoral PhD fellowship under the supervision of Prof Andrew King and Prof Giovanni Montana in the School of Biomedical Engineering and Imaging Sciences. His PhD focused on the use of deep learning methods to segment congenital heart anatomy from CMR images. He is currently a Healthcare Scientist at St. Thomas' hospital and actively collaborates with the group's ongoing research.
